
Sunday, October 31, 2010
november welcomes you!!
November and December, musim hujan and it's very very cold. Rainy season with less sunshine and more rough wind coming to place. I'm lovin' it everyday. I wish the nights will be as cold these pictures!!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
i found something that makes me remember the good old days....
perkara yg aku mahu cari / buat / makan at the moment ( sambil dngr lagu K Will - love is a punishment)....
- nak cari TORA dtg lagi!!! hehehe....chocolate masa zaman budak-budak dulu...tapi mana nak cari chocolate tu sekarang..susah nak cari...takkan laa ada jual di Tesco kot?? dalam tu siap ada mainan lagi taw!!
kotak tora |
mainan dlm kotak tu...best!! |
- aku teringin nak naik bus general warna hijau tu..ekekekek...ini memang dah lama aku tinggalkan sejak zaman sekolah menengah lagi...ehhh best ape naik bus vintage macam tu..alaaa dari BG to Batu 10 ke...macam dalam cerita Goodbye Boys tuu..bus tu masih gunakan system lame..pakai tiket yang kena punch lubang tuuu...cuma sekarang ada bus yang sudah "upgrade sikit"..guna syiling macam dalam cerite Korea tuuu...hehe
haaa..ini laa bus hijau tuuu |
- aku nk cr mainan buih2 tuu...alaaa celup dlm sabun tu and then tiup..buih2 pon kuor!! best apa kalo duk dpn laut..tak payah susah nk tiup.angin laut tuu kuat...nice!!!
haaa..ape lg..tiuplaa |
- aku nak makan cinnamon roll with sugar glazer!!!
haaaaa....lapo!! |
nanti lagi banyak aku tulis lagi banyak aku merepek....cukup..cukup..cukup!!
time: 12.32pm (dah tengahari, tp cuaca mcm baru pukul 8am!)
place: depan laptop ler ( i love rainy day...tetibe nak nescafe panas yg umphhhhhh!!)
Friday, October 22, 2010
terJATUH cinta sama mutiara kata ini...
"pabila cinta memanggilmu... ikutilah dia walau jalannya berliku-liku... Dan, pabila sayapnya merangkummu... pasrahlah serta menyerah, walau pedang tersembunyi di sela sayap itu melukaimu"
"Jangan menangis, Kekasihku... Janganlah menangis dan berbahagialah, karena kita diikat bersama dalam cinta. Hanya dengan cinta yang indah... kita dapat bertahan terhadap derita kemiskinan, pahitnya kesedihan, dan duka perpisahan"
Thursday, October 21, 2010
promises made...just to be broken
"the weather is unpredictable. it goes the same as life. my life has been a whirlwind lately. i stumble upon unexpected difficulties and i am not sure how is tomorrow is going end. my heart is in so much pain ( not be discuss and commented ) and I'm not sure this time, how long does it takes to heal. may god give me guidance and strength to walk and face the day again."
Promises made...were broken
Yesterday's goals, dim memories.
Dark saddened eyes, blurring with tears.
Painful scars borne; Love's history.
Futures crumble when doubt appears.
No brightly lit hope envisioned,
When following after harsh words.
Hurt soul splits in twain, partitioned.
Swooned by appeal - when numbness lured.
Apologies made, never bought.
Price paid turned out far too costly.
Though never known what would be wrought -
Must walk into the night softly.
One wish, only to be released.
Granted - now receive this token.
Words written in rhyme, love's deceased.
When promises made . . . were broken.
Dark saddened eyes, blurring with tears.
Painful scars borne; Love's history.
Futures crumble when doubt appears.
No brightly lit hope envisioned,
When following after harsh words.
Hurt soul splits in twain, partitioned.
Swooned by appeal - when numbness lured.
Apologies made, never bought.
Price paid turned out far too costly.
Though never known what would be wrought -
Must walk into the night softly.
One wish, only to be released.
Granted - now receive this token.
Words written in rhyme, love's deceased.
When promises made . . . were broken.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
When did you start becoming weary of me
What burdens did I give you
To you, no longer say anything
I’ve become unable to ask now
Without the usual grumbling
Still smiling that polite smile
Losing the sadness that passed by your eyes
I’m sorry, it was absentminded stupidity on my part
my love
What burdens did I give you
To you, no longer say anything
I’ve become unable to ask now
Without the usual grumbling
Still smiling that polite smile
Losing the sadness that passed by your eyes
I’m sorry, it was absentminded stupidity on my part
my love
When I see you with your back turned to me
The time love clearly took
Now I can see it too
Like a time of separation
I saw it coming
I didn’t know you were such a part of me
If I could turn it all back
No, if you would smile for me just once more
By myself, I’m unable to hold your heart
Because of foolish pride, I’m sorry
my love
The time love clearly took
Now I can see it too
Like a time of separation
I saw it coming
I didn’t know you were such a part of me
If I could turn it all back
No, if you would smile for me just once more
By myself, I’m unable to hold your heart
Because of foolish pride, I’m sorry
my love
When I look at how cold you’ve become
The separation spreading in this instance
Now I know there’s nothing to be done
In the name of love
Slowly like changing colors
Love is leaving me
I didn’t know I had it to begin with
Even words of apology
The separation spreading in this instance
Now I know there’s nothing to be done
In the name of love
Slowly like changing colors
Love is leaving me
I didn’t know I had it to begin with
Even words of apology
Although I’m as sorry as this
What could a person like me
Say and how could I say it
Like I can’t breathe, I’m dizzy
Inside lost time
Even if I roam quickly
The only thing I could do now
Is that I can’t do anything
When I see you with your back turned to me
The time love clearly took
Now I can see it too
Like a time of separation
I saw it coming
I didn’t know you were such a part of me
What could a person like me
Say and how could I say it
Like I can’t breathe, I’m dizzy
Inside lost time
Even if I roam quickly
The only thing I could do now
Is that I can’t do anything
When I see you with your back turned to me
The time love clearly took
Now I can see it too
Like a time of separation
I saw it coming
I didn’t know you were such a part of me
Sunday, October 10, 2010
i heart..10 doses of inspirational quotes
- We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore it is not an act but a habit. Aristotle
- The best way out is always through. Robert Frost
- Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. William B. Sparague
- Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. Albert Einstein
- Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that grater than any obstacle. Christian D. Larson
- Believe that you will succeed, and you will. Dale Carnegie
- If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish. Sam Walton
- Success means having the courage, the determination and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be. George Sheehan
- Believe deep down in your heart that you are destined to do great things. Joe Paterno
- Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but a reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy. Norman Vincent Peale
Saturday, October 9, 2010
it's you
It’s you, It’s you
It’s you, It’s only you
It’s you, It’s you
I don’t need anyone else, it’s only you
When you ask again, it’s only you
Even if you already have another love
I can’t forget you, I can’t turn back around
The moment my eyes began to burn
The moment my heart was captured by you
I have no regret, I chose you
That’s right, it’s you
Oh whatever anyone anyone says, it doesn’t matter to me
Oh whoever whoever curses me, I’ll only look at you
Even when I’m born again, it’s still only you
Still Still
Even as time goes by
Oh when you tell me you love me
When you tell me thousands and millions of times
Even when my heart sets on fire, my dry lips wear out
Even when I’m born again, it’s still only you
Still Still
Even as time goes by
Oh only for you, only for you
Oh only for you, only for you
It’s you
I don’t need any words. it’s just you
“ It’s too late “ , but for me it’s just you
I know our love is wrong
I can’t give up, I can’t let you go
My lips, cold as it can be, are even more blue
I cry out to find to find your warmth
I call, even though I call for you
And there’s no reply, I’ll wait for you
For me, it’s you, it’s you
Why don’t you know, why don’t you know?
For me, it’s you, it’s you
Oh whatever anyone anyone says, it doesn’t matter to me
Oh whoever whoever curses me, I’ll only look at you
Even when I’m born again, it’s still only you
Still, Still
Even as time goes by
Oh when you tell me you love me
When you tell me thousands and millions of times
Even when my heart sets on fire, my dry lips wear out
Even when I’m born again, it’s still only you
(Still Still) Even as time goes by
It’s you
Thursday, October 7, 2010
10 Things I learned About Life..Vol 1
- Life is never Fair. So be it.We can never have everything at the same time.
- Life is tough. It never went so smoothly. Trust me!!
- Life is your personal experience resume!
- Life is beautiful if you only make it as beautiful as you are!
- Life gives you the opportunity to feel different kind of feelings. One minute you are laughing, the next minute you'll never know what's going to happen.
- Live life to the fullest like there is no tomorrow. You'll never know what's going to happen next. Only God knows.
- Live life with no regret. Try not to drag your sadness, gloomy day to the next morning!
- Spend your life with your own way. What's the use of living in someone else shoes. Have the gut to live dangerously!
- It is okay if you failed in exams better than failed in your life. If you fail in your life then you're hopeless! (Need extra strength)
- There are boundaries but pictures it as the bitch that you can't wait to slapped her with your red 4inch stilettos.
life is a trip
Life. Kehidupan.
Kehidupan ini bagaikan perjalanan yang panjang. Kita tidak akan dapat hentikan perjalanan ini kerna ia bukanlah di bawah kuasa sendiri. Tuhan yang tentukan segalanya. Sejak azali lagi perjalanan kita telah disuratkan. (Jika perjalanan ini terhenti maka kita sudah tiada lagi di dunia ini!)
How funny life is. Come to think about it again, we actually have already been through a lot of expected and unexpected situations. Tika perjalanan ini pasti akan kita berhenti di salah satu perhentian. Lama atau tidak hentian itu bergantung kepada apa yang bakal kita lakukan. Mungkin kita akan berhadapan dengan hujan lebat ataupun ribut taufan. Mungkin kita bakal dilukai, ditipu, dikecewakan, ditertawakan dan mungkin juga disayangi.
Walau apa jua situasi yang kita hadapi, hadapilah ia dengan tabah. Tegarkan hati, teruskan perjalanan itu. Percayalah bahawa kita tidak akan diduga oleh tuhan jika kita tidak mampu menanganinya. Jika pada ketika ini kamu menghadapi kesukaran, jangan biarkan ia menguasai kamu. Open up your mind, keep a positive thinking. Dare to take the risk. Make the decision that you should. And let things happen.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
seni dimana-mana sahaja..the power of imagination!
seni ini dpt dilihat dari www.sandrine-estrade-boulet.com. sangat creative!
free hug |
pom pom girl! |
street dancer |
les danseuses |
Monday, October 4, 2010
JOnker Street, Malacca
Melaka atau dalam bahasa Inggeris, Malacca, merupakan sebuah bandar bersejarah di Malaysia. Aku suke Melaka sebab; (mcm jawab soalan periksa lerr)
- Negerinya kecil. 1 hari pon dah boleh habis meronda.
- Pastinya kerana sejarah yang ada di Melaka. Walaupun dah berulang-ulang kali belajar dalam kelas dan berpuluh-puluh kali pergi melawat Melaka, aku tak pernah bosan pun pasal Melaka ni.
- Makanan laaa ape lagi! Nyoya cuisine sememangnyer paling original di Melaka tau. Tempat lain pon ade juga tapi takda lah se"original" seperti di Melaka.
- Muzium. Di Melaka ini ada terdapat pelbagai muzium. Ada satu yang aku terlepas nak lawat, Muzium Jade. Next time, maybe!
- Beca. Salah satu uniknya Melaka. Basikal yang diubah suai supaya ada tempat duduk. Hurmm...walaupon pakcik-pakik yang bawa beca tu dah tua-tua..tapi itu punca rezeki mereka. So bila datang Melaka make sure naik beca tu ya. Bagi laaa tambang lebih, niat sedekah!
- Cencaluk. Udang geragau yang di "fermented" menjadi seperti paste. Nak buat cicah makan dengan nasi dan lauk-lauk lain yang sedap. Di Melaka sahaja yang ada cencaluk sedap!
- Selat Melaka. Dari selat ini boleh pergi Indonesia!! Selat yang dahulunya begitu "famous" menjadi persinggahan pedagang-pedagang dari seluruh pelusuk dunia. Waaktu itu zaamn kegemilangan Melaka sebelum ditakluk Belanda.
- Jonker Street. Jonker Street ini macam pasar malam tapi lagi bagus. You know the kind of night market yang sangat teratur ala street market di The Curve! Jangan tak pergi sini, rugi tau!
Jonker Street, Malacca
Ayuh kita ke Melaka!
musim SAKURA di Jepun
Pabila tiba musim ini, pasti Jepun menjadi lebih indah, comel dan tenang. Butalah siapa yang katakan musim bunga ini tidaklah secantik mana..Lihat sahaja gambar-gambar sakura mekar di sekitar Jepun.
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